NYPL: What's On The Menu?

I think it is safe to say that my niche is turning out to be foodnerdery. Which is why I am ashamed that I missed the New York Public Library's initial announcement about the friggin' awesome What's On The Menu? project. What's on the Menu? is a crowdsourcing project chartered to take their incredible menu collection and transcribe it. Before you think that no one would contribute to this, allow me to say that you are a cynical jerkward, aaaaannnnd... as of July 8th, 2011, there are over 430,000 menu items transcribed. Miss Frank E. Buttolph American Menu Collection, 1851-1930 The NYPL menu collection has about 40,000 menus dating back to the turn of the century. Approximately 25% of the menu collection is available online , but only searchable by high level meta data about the restaurant, not the menu data itself. The first stage of the project is to take the menus that are already available digitally and have folks like you and me input what's o...