Are Combi Ovens The Future Of Sous Vide?

Is This The Future? I was reading about Shola's post about the possible impending obsolescence of immersion circulators, when I read: One thing I will confidently say is that the domestic immersion circulator market will be NON-EXISTENT in 48 months or less and IF sous vide cooking makes it into mainstream domestic cooking, it will be in the form of steam/vapor ovens similar to combi technology. Products like sous-vide supreme or sous vide magic are silly novelties at best and the only thing keeping them from zero sales is the lack of an affordable home combi oven. I am not sure if he has the timing right, but I think that when low temperature cooking hits critical mass, there will be a shift away from immersion circulators/water baths and into something more like a combi oven or CVAP. Here is what I find compelling: Elimination of plastic bags. They are annoying and not green. Not being green doesn't really bother me. But, the consumer market is buyi...