TGRWT #20: Pumpkin and Cooked Chicken

This month's TGRWT is being hosted by John Sconzo over at docsconz. There is some good discussion this page as to the definition of 'Cooked Chicken', and I think the conclusion was, as opposed to roasted (as opposed to Raw Chicken).

This is one of those pairings that is a little easier to combine, and google will refer people to all kinds of recipes from different cultures. Some commonalities will include:

  1. Rice dishes. Chicken/Pumpkin Risotto? How about we move over a a bunch of time zones make it a Pulao.

  2. Curries/Sauces. Both ingredients hold up well with anything curry-like or even sauces like a mole.

  3. Soups/Stews. You can also use both of these ingredients in a soup or stew from any cuisine that has something kinda pumpkin'y/squashy. Pureed Pumpkin Soup topped with chicken. Both ingredients in a more simple stock. Anything goes.

  4. Use of Pumpkin Seeds. Awesome tossed with salt and some spices then roasted. Can be used as a garnish or as part of a sauce (see Mole).
Just remember the deadline is coming up on December 8th.


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